3 months ago I have been diagnosed a Golfer's Elbow on each arm. Actually it is started to be painful 6 months ago, but I did not really pay attention, thinking that will be fixed by itself.
I have been doing a bit a research about the subject, and this is what I found:
Golfer's elbow is predominantly a tendon issue. The condition is called
Golfer's elbow because in making a golf swing this tendon is stressed. Golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is an inflammatory condition of the elbow which in some ways is similar to tennis elbow.
Inflammation of flexor forearm muscles causing medial elbow pain. Caused by repetitive stress at the muscle-tendon junction and its origin at the medial epicondyle.
The reason I had this injury is probably because I have not done enough warm before starting training or I have warmed up okay but have just pushed too hard.
The best possible treatment involves stopping the activity that caused your golfer's elbow in the first place.
One of the best treatments for golfer's elbow if you must continue the activity is a strap or brace around the forearm.
golfer's elbow treatments include massage therapy, acupuncture, local steroid injection,
ultrasound and laser treatments.
The following picture is a good illustration of rehabilitation exercises: