dimanche 11 mai 2008

Les Moustachus TSHIRTS Now HERE

Today JeyOz and I unveiled the much awaited Moustachus TSHIRTS at Kangaroo Point Brisbane Australia.

Put your order in Now.

5 commentaires:

Fredstache a dit…

Cool ! I don't remember how many I ordered ? was it 60 or 2 or 1 ? Nevermind, it ok for me. Nice t-shirts. thanks

JeyOz a dit…

Awesome t-shirts ! and guys look good with :-)

Directix a dit…

i want one

Damage a dit…

I just need a size and prefered colour. cost of TShirt ($10-$20) + printing ($4) let me know before JeyOz heads over.


Damage a dit…

JeyOz is wearing a Size 14/Small in the picture, and for the tighter fit I'm also wearing a 14/Small