Back from our trip in Thailand for a month now, we just release our first bouldering topo.
Located in the center of Ko Tao island, this place is a great tropical garden with short grass, coco nuts, palm trees, and nice round rocks.
Our map presents ten french small and easy ways, a good place to park your scooters, a mini-markt for main goods, and great places to take pictures and have a shit in wilderness.
Practical informations:
Ko Tao is at a night by train from Bangkok + 2 hours of speed boat (total 20Euros). Sleep in nice bengalows over the sea for 6 to 15 Euros/Night for 2 people. A scooter is 4Euros/Day. You can also rent a dog for free to feel at home. A mini-crash-pad is usefull and brings you a lot of attention.
4 commentaires:
Yeah !
Ca donne envie d'y retourner le week-end prochain s'il fait beau !!
Trop top le topo mon poto.
C'est vrai, ca donne envie d'y aller ... peut etre pas le week end prochain. J'ai entendu dire que rester la-bas pour vivre de grimpe pendant 1 an, ne couterait que 5000 euros ! Why not ?!!
Mat, c est quoi le truc marron derriere le bloc 2 ? on dirait Fred qui demoule un cake ?!
Rhhaa, ces photos !!
La suite des Moustachus en Thailande:
Et pour nous écrire:
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